Industrial Tribology
Course Name:
MF 814 Industrial Tribology
Credits (L-T-P):
Introduction-Historical background, Bearing concepts and typical applications. Viscous flow concepts-Conservation
of laws and its derivations: continuity, momentum (N-S equations) and energy, Solutions of Navier-Strokes
equations. Order of magnitude analysis, General Reynolds equation-2D and 3D (Cartesian and Cylindrical), Various
mechanisms of pressure development in an oil film, Performance parameters. ; Boundary Layer Concepts-Laminar
and turbulent flow in bearings, mathematical modeling of flow in high-speed bearings. Elastic Deformation of
bearing surfaces-Contact of smooth and rough solid surfaces, elasticity equation, Stress distribution and local
deformation in mating surfaces due to loadings, methods to avoid singularity effects, Estimation of elastic
deformation by numerical methods-Finite Difference ; Method (FDM), Governing equation for evaluation of film
thickness in Elasto-Hydrodynamic Lubrication (EHL) and its solution, Boundary conditions. Development of
computer programs for mathematical modeling of flow in bearings, Numerical simulation of elastic deformation in bearing surfaces by FDM.