
Course Name: 

MF 815 Nanotechnology


M.Tech (Manufacturing Engineering)




Elective Courses (Ele)

Credits (L-T-P): 

(3-0-0) 3


Introduction to Nanotechnology: Characteristic scale for quantum phenomena, nano-sensors Imaging Sensors (FarField and Near-Field) - Position Sensors - Capacitive Sensors - Linear Variable DifferentialTransformer -
Interferometric Sensors - STM Tips Based, Etc - Force and Pressure Sensors - Strain Gauges - Deflection Based -
AFM, Etc. - Visual Force Sensing - Bending Imaging Etc. - Capacitive Force/Tactile Sensors - Accelerometers-
Gyroscopes - Chemical Sensors - Flow Sensors, Etc. ,nano-actuators, Piezoelectric Actuators - Thin-Film Type -
ZnO, Etc. Films - Surface Acoustic Waves - PZT Actuators as also integrated Sensors - Electrostatic, Thermal,
Ultrasonic, Electro, Magnetostrictive, and Shape Memory - Alloy Based Actuators - Polymer Actuators - Dielectric
Elastomers -Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Actuators - Biomolecular Motors.nano manipulators,spm Probes and
Micro/Nanogrippers,Carbon Nanotube Manipulation using Nanoprobes - Case Study: High Density Data Storage
Usin Nanoprobes .Micro/Nanofabrication - Micro/Nano Assembly, Biomimetics and Design Strategy - Case Study: Roboflies: Biomimetic Micromechanical Flying Robots - Kinematics and Dynamics ,nanodevices, computational nanotechnology


Charles P. Pode, Frank J Owens -Introduction to Nano Technology, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.,2003, Canada William A Goddard III, Donald W Brenner, Sergey Edwart Lyschevski and Gerald J.Iafrate, “Handbook of Nanoscience Engineering and Technology”, CRC Press, New York (2003). M. Elwenspoek and R. Wiegerink, Mechanical Microsensors, Springer-Verlag Berlin, 2001. J. Israelachvili, Intermolecular & Surface Forces, Academic Press Ltd., 2nd Edition William moreau “Semiconductor lithography Principles, Practices and Materials”, Plenum Press (1988). Robert Kelsall, iam Hamley and Mark Geoghegan, “Nanoscale Science and Technology”, John Wiley and sons( 2005)


Mechanical Engineering

Contact us

Dr. S M Murigendrappa

Professor and Head,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK),


P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangaluru - 575 025 Karnataka, India.

  • Phone No. (O): +91-0824-2473049

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