Fracture Mechanics
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Credits (L-T-P):
History of failure by Fracture; failure of structures, identification of reasons for failure, existence of crack, Griffith crack and experiment, energy release rate and stress for failure in presence of crack. Stress Field around Crack Tip; revision of theory of elasticity, conformal mapping, Airy’s stress function for crack tip stress field with crack emanating from straight boundary, stress state in crack tip vicinity, modes of crack face deformation, stress intensity factor and Irwin’s failure criterion, fracture toughness. Determination of Stress Intensity Factor, different specimen configuration, numerical techniques- boundary collocation and boundary integral, finite element method, experimental method- reflection and refraction polariscopy, Determination of fracture toughness. Energy Consideration; potential energy, surface energy, plastic deformation around crack tip, energy release rate, compliance and correlation with fracture toughness, crack opening displacement (COD), COD as fracture criterion, experimental determination of COD, use of fracture toughness and COD as design criteria. Crack Propagation; law of fatigue crack propagation, life calculation when a crack is present and loaded, microscopic aspects of crack propagation, elastic crack and plastic relaxation at crack tip.