Experimental Stress Analysis

Course Name: 



M.Tech (Design and Precision Engineering)


Elective Courses (Ele)

Credits (L-T-P): 



Photoelasticity: Behavior of Light, Polarized Light. Plane Polarizers and Wave Plates, Arrangement of Optical Elements in a Polariscopic, Theory of Photo elasticity: Stressed Model in Plane Polariscope and Circular Polariscope. Analysis Techniques: Isochromatic and Isoclinic Fringe Patterns, Compensation Techniques, stress separation Techniques, Three Dimensional Photo elasticity: Stress freezing technique, Interpretation Fringe Patterns, Effective Stresses. Shear Difference Method. Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge: Strain sensitivity, Gauge Construction, Temperature Compensation, Gauge Selection, Correction for transverse Strain effects, Semiconductor Strain Gauges. Rosette Analysis - three element rectangular Rosette, Delta Rosettes, Brittle Coating Method: Coating methods and stress analysis, Failure Theories, Crack Patterns produced by Direct Loading, Pattern Produced by Releasing the Load, Double Crack Pattern, Crack Detection, Biaxial stress Field.


Experimental Stress Analysis - Dally and Riley, McGraw Hill. Srinath, Lingaiah, Raghavan, Gargesa, etal -Experimental Stress Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill,1991 Kuske, Albrecht and Robertson -Photo elastic Stress analysis- John Wiley & Sons.,1978 AS. Kobayassin (Ed), Hand Book of Experimental Stress Analysis SEM NCH, II edition. 1974 Sadhu Singh -Experimental Stress Analysis, Hanna publisher.1982


Mechanical Engineering

Contact us

Dr. S M Murigendrappa

Professor and Head,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK),


P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangaluru - 575 025 Karnataka, India.

  • Phone No. (O): +91-0824-2473049

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